board of directors

Sharad Shekhar

Sharad Shekhar is a growth-driven seasoned executive with 25 years of relevant experience building and managing technology and industrial businesses. Sharad’s long, successful career has included leadership positions at Schneider Electric, Cummins, Tata Steel, and Pelco. Sharad created Valuber with a new vision for excellence in integrated technology companies, and now Valuber fully owns and operates Valuber Security, a full-service Security Services Company.

Anthony Cardullo, Director of Operations

Vince Galdi

We live in a new business and marketing world where media fragmentation and instantaneous communications are changing all the rules. And business in general has become more competitive on every front, with new players from every direction imaginable. Having come up in marketing communications first as a copy editor, then in various roles in creative, account management and strategic development to my present day position as agency and business owner, I’ve been fortunate to have worked with many talented individuals, monster brands, international conglomerates and small start-ups with big visions. Yet at almost every new client meeting I hear myself saying, “if we want to achieve different results, we need to do things differently.” Sounds so simple, but it’s the mindset required to deliver innovative marketing programs.

Ken Gould

With over 45 years in the industry, Ken has used his wealth of knowledge, experiences and resources to benefit his consulting clients through mergers, acquisitions, business development and team building. Ken is a former president of the NYFAA and the MBFAA, sits on the Foundation Board for North Shore LIJ Staten Island University Hospital, is on the ESA Board of Directors as well as being the ESA New Jersey CSA Rep.

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